When you hear the words "Artificial Intelligence" or A.I., you might think of the latest "Black Mirror" episode or that re-run of "The Terminator" you watched when you couldn’t find anything better. Popular media does an amazing job creating elaborate storylines about how A.I. will take over the world (and we're not necessarily saying it won't). But the thing is, A.I. is already working all the time, on the very device you’re using this minute. Whenever your phone or computer thinks and performs like a human — when it predicts your tastes, recognizes your face, knows where you’re going — that’s Artificial Intelligence. And it’s everywhere.
To find out how A.I. is changing the world, for better and worse, we talked to four experts: the conceptual Internet artist Sam Lavigne, tech writer Alexis Madrigal, engineer/analyst Deb Raji, and data ethics advocate Rachel Thomas. They all see us becoming increasingly reliant on A.I. systems in ways that impact our autonomy, creativity, society and the very experiences and identities that make us human.